BMT’s Introduction to Fleet Life Cycle Management course


18-22 February 2018 – Canberra

For more information or to register contact:

BMT’s Introduction to Fleet Life Cycle Management course covers all aspects of life cycle management. The modules provide detailed insight into Asset Management and its applications to naval ships and support systems in Defence’s maritime environment.

The course presenters are some of Australia’s leading figures in the asset management community. They provide ‘real world’ education about the applicability of asset management to large and diverse organisations. Specifically, our personnel provide a practical and pragmatic approach to Fleet Life Cycle Management and the implications of developing and implementing asset management to Defence and other specific programs.

The course covers a comprehensive array of theory and practical guidance for the consideration of Asset Management integration into existing and new Defence programs with specific emphasis on the following areas:

  • Asset Management System and Strategic Framework Models
  • Asset Management Strategy and Policy that best support Maritime programs
  • Holistic Life Cycle Planning that facilitates Operations & Maintenance
  • Development and Improvements to Usage and Upkeep Cycles
  • Upkeep, Update and Upgrade management across the Capability Life Cycle
  • Integration with Seaworthiness initiatives and Australian Maritime Logistics Doctrine
  • Technical, Business and Capability considerations at the ship, class and fleet levels.

This intensive five-day course encompasses knowledge gathered from academia, industry, allied navies and professional Asset Management organisations and societies. The presenters and speakers have over 200 years of combined Asset Management and Life Cycle Management experience; the majority with considerable experience in Australian industry and academia. Interactive discussion between course attendees and presenters will identify and address current acquisition and sustainment challenges that affect life cycle management activities during all phases of Defence’s Capability Life Cycle.

BMT, is the only Defence industry member of Australia’s Asset Institute and brings together asset management expertise in:

  • Asset Management Systems
  • International Standards
  • Evolving Trends in Business
  • Commercial Best Practices
  • Research Efforts in Academia.

For a Defence Connect story on the Course, please Click Here!