Several tips on how best to use the CIEAM AMBOKWiki

Welcome to the CIEAM AMBOKWiki©

In order to optimise your navigation around the CIEAM AMBOKWiki©, several tips are given below:

The CIEAM AMBOKWiki© is an electronic content management system (CMS) consisting of a vast amount of themes, topics, sub-topics and concepts relating to the body of knowledge of physical asset management, specifically engineering asset management, and particularly, CIEAM’s Integrated Engineering Asset Management.

This asset management body of knowledge (AMBOK) is presented in a most up-to-date method for multiple choice navigation in an electronic Content Management System (CMS), in the form of a Wiki, which means ‘fast’ – hence the term AMBOKWiki©.

The asset management body of knowledge is typically structured into the following;

  • structures‘ or ‘modules‘, which are represented as ‘structures‘ in the AMBOKWiki©;
  • themes‘ or ‘topics‘, which are represented as ‘topic or sub-topic pages’ in the AMBOKWiki©;
  • principles‘ or ‘concepts‘, which are represented as ‘links’ and ‘backlinks’ in the AMBOKWiki©.

These structures, themes, topics, principles, and concepts, which represent the typical construct of a body of knowledge, can be simply and quickly accessed through the multiple navigation choices of the CIEAM AMBOKWiki© in the following manner:

  • the Wiki Home page which is the Wiki front page, and which can be accessed at any time in the LHS Menu, contains a list of the Structures of the CIEAM AMBOKWiki© – select whatever module you want to go to;
  • the modules can also be displayed for access by selecting Structures in the LH Menu;
  • to access a module’s themes or topics, click on the selected module or structure and a list of topic pages will be displayed;
  • view the selected topic page by clicking on the magnifying glass;
  • the module’s main topic page will also display all the related sub-topics at the top of the page, with an Introduction to the main topic given below the sub-topics list;
  • to view a module’s themes or topics in a hierarchical structure, click on the little green icon of a hierarchy chart displayed at the top left hand side of the selected module’s topic page;
  • several other icons are displayed at the top left hand side of a selected topic page for quick backward or forward navigation;
  • to access a topic’s principles or concepts, either select underlined linked terms in the text of the topic, or the backlinks option shown in the top right hand side of the page;

To access a specific theme or specific topic, type this in the LHS box: Search Wiki PageName. This will result in a display of all the topic or sub-topic pages that have the theme or topic in the page heading.

To search for a specific principle or specific concept, type it in the RHS Search box. This will result in a display of all the topic or sub-topic pages that contain the principle or concept within the text of the page.

To highlight the searched principle or menu in the text of the page, click on the MS Windows top menu ‘Edit’ option and select ‘Find on this Page’ (or simply type Ctrl +F). Type in the specific principle or specific concept in the blank selection box that is displayed.

System Administrator: Dr Rudolph Frederick Stapelberg